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Friday, October 8, 2010

UITableView backgroundColor always gray on iPad (fix)

Here is a quick fix to get rid of gray background color on grouped style UITableView.

if ([tableView respondsToSelector:@selector(backgroundView)]){
            tableView.backgroundView = nil;
        [tableView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];


Rahul Sharma said...

If these operations are performed on tableView then there must not be any need for separate outlet named "loginTable"

Anonymous said...

This code is crashing !!!

micdam69 said...

It's amazing. I lost four hour to find out this strange problem. Thankf of lot

Paulami said...

Hi Rahul,
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Anonymous said...

Making the tableview transparent is a HORRIBLE IDEA in terms of performance.
Also, why the hell do you check if the tableView implements -backgroundView? Of course it responds to that method, it's a table view.

karthireva said...

wow great,nowadays this type of blog id more important and informative technology,it was more impressive to read ,which helps to design more in effective ways

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